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痴線一分鐘 Minute Moonshine

As we deconstructed the cultural phenomena of Hong Kong in the past decades and traced down the colonial roots, the collective Minute Moonshine presented a digital and a theatre production of the same name simultaneously, commissioned by Tai Kwun Hong Kong in October 2021 as Part of Tai Kwun’s “SPOTLIGHT: A Season of Performing Arts”. The project is co-funded by Jockey Club Hong Kong and MGCfutures in London.


At the online game, a red-dressed woman appeared at a wartime ruin in Hong Kong and encountered the main character, Ah Wing, as they spilt stories of a lost plane departing from London. Meanwhile, the game urged the players to get a ticket from Hong Kong, only to get into a plane crash as the red-dressed woman re-appeared in the theatre performance.


We created a distinctive and new theatrical language with a heavy emphasis on the use of ready-made objects, accessorized costumes, fragmented scenes and immersive experience. The nonlinear storytelling befitted the theme by bending the acknowledgement of now and past, deflecting an anxious and exhausted state of (post)-colonial identity-seeking. The work sustained itself as an uncomfortable and unsettling feeling.


A London Chapter of this production is coming. Stay tuned.

Creative Team

Directors: Ghost and John
Dramaturg: Bonnie Chan
Music and Sound Designer: Angela Wai Nok Hui
Visual Artist and Set Designer: Jeffrey Choy

*The above five artists work as a collective with little emphasis on roles

Press Coverage


一分鐘的薛丁格盒子 - Review on Minute Moonshine

misssisyphus at 立場新聞 19 Oct 2021



是次製作導演之一的 John 表示,「痴線一分鐘」源於戲劇練習的方法。他們的討論難再推進時,便會開放討論「痴線一分鐘」,「天馬行空,甚麼都可以講。最不合邏輯,卻是最能說出想做的事」。Bonnie 指,人在異地產生「卡住」的感覺,卡在英國與香港的文化差異,也可能卡在其他位置。她認為,卡住的感覺是普世的,「感覺就像:搭𨋢趕回家,但好多人入𨋢,還要去不同層數,而你又住頂樓。好急,但又卡住咗」。

John 同意「不只你一個卡住」,此時此地好多人同樣被困於「唔三唔四,唔上唔落」的位置。就像疫情之下入境限制朝令夕改,團隊曾經憧憬一起回港,合租房子一起籌備演出,但最終只有三名成員能夠抽時間,親身回港準備。無法回港的 John 直言「frustrate 到爆開」,但限制從不因你一個人的情緒而改變,「既然我們都卡在這裡,咁不如一齊痴線啦。好多人一起卡住,但我們還有彼此,一起思考如何自處」。


五個香港創作人在倫敦相遇 打邊爐烚出《痴線一分鐘》

立場新聞 27 Sep 2021

表演節目精選|大館場域限定 表演藝術跨度賞

星島日報 16 Sep 2021


香港仔 14.09.2021

大館表演藝術季:SPOTLIGHT 方言、身體、花崗岩 香港故事密密尋
文匯報 08.09.2021

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